By-laws & standing rules
The Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley (hereinafter the Club) is bound by the Bylaws as passed
by the membership. A current copy of the Bylaws, with any amendments are maintained by the Sec-
retary and updated on the Newcomer’s website and yearly Member Publication.
Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley
By-Laws Amended September 2024
Article I:
Name and History
Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be The Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley, hereinafter
sometimes called the Club. The symbol of the Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley shall be the
Roanoke Star. (Roanoke having been designated as the “Star City of the South” in 1949.)
Section 2.
The Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley was organized in 1973 and founded by Salem Parks and
Recreation. The Club is a nonprofit organization with an average of 150 members. Newcomers is a
501(c)(7) organization. We are not a charity, but are exempt from income taxes.
Article II: Purpose and Objectives
Section 1.
The purpose of the Newcomers Club of the Roanoke Valley shall be a women’s social support group
that endeavors to welcome and promote friendships among newcomers and those whose lives are in
transition by providing a social structure. The Club provides many Interest Groups that cater to a wide
variety of interests.
Section 2
The Club’s membership directory and database, and the contents of the website and monthly
newsletters are for personal use only. They are not to be used in any way to promote, network, solic-
it, or advertise a member’s business, or business of family or friends for personal advantage or finan-
cial gain. Members and/or guests of the Club shall not engage in any type of solicitation at any Club
sponsored meeting, function, event, or activity or in any Club publication, or media, including but not
limited to social medias, texting, and email. Members may not financially benefit by being a member
of the Club.
Article III: Membership
Section 1.
Club membership is open to any woman wishing to join and pay the annual dues. Dues paying
members shall be allowed to participate fully in all Club activities and join any and all Interest Groups.
Section 2.
All members will receive a monthly Newsletter by email.
Section 3.
Prospective members may participate in two visits to the General Meetings, prior to Membership.
Spouses/Significant others and non-member guests, when accompanied by a current member, may
participate in designated Special Events.
Section 4.
All members are eligible to vote at the General Meetings. A majority vote of the members present
shall be required to pass floor motions.
Section 5.
The Newcomers Club of Roanoke shall not discriminate against members or prospective members
because of age, race, color, creed, national origin, handicap, income, marital status, political affilia-
tion, religion or educational background.
Section 6.
The Club is nonpartisan, nonsectarian and does not sponsor or support legislation and/or initiatives.
The Club will not participate or intervene, either directly or indirectly, in political campaigns, either on
behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1.
The Club shall hold General Meetings each month, September through May. Meetings are usually
held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Meetings can consist of Club business, a guest speaker and a
Section 2.
All members and guests shall be held financially responsible for reservations made for any General
Meeting, Luncheon, Special Event, Interest Group, etc., unless said reservation is cancelled in time
not to cause the Club or Hostess any expense.
Section 3.
Inclement Weather Policy: If Roanoke County Public Schools are cancelled, the General Meeting
and Luncheons may be cancelled, subject to Board discretion. The Club will do its best to refund
monies, however, some restaurants and private clubs have a “No Cancelation” policy and will not re-
imburse any prepaid amounts. If this should happen, the Club is not held responsible for refunding
the monies to the membership. If the Roanoke County Public Schools have a “delay”, all meetings
will continue as usual. Interest Groups and Special Events participants should check with the orga-
nizer in the event of inclement weather.
Section 4.
There shall be an Executive Board of Directors meeting consisting of elected officers monthly and a
Full Board of Directors Meeting consisting of elected and appointed officers quarterly. These meet-
ings will be held on the Wednesday prior to the 2nd Tuesday of each month. If necessary, meetings
may be conducted via Zoom.
Article V. Dues
Section 1.
Annual dues for all members shall be $25.00 yearly. Dues must be paid between July 1 and July 15th
in order for members to appear in the Membership Directory. The dues year runs from July 1st
through June 30th. All dues are non-refundable. Dues can be raised subject to Board discretion.
Section 2.
Dues become delinquent after July 15th resulting in ineligibility to participate in or chair Club activities,
receive newsletters, have access to password-protected portions of the Club’s website, and vote at
General meetings.
Article VI: Finances and Records
Section 1.
The fiscal year of the Club shall be from July 1st through June 30th.
Section 2.
A minimum of $5000.00 shall remain in the treasury at the end of each month per bank requirements
and to guarantee financial security to the Club.
Section 3.
Financial Records shall be prepared by the Treasurer and submitted at the end of each fiscal year for
a yearly internal review/audit.
Article VII: Officers
Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, Chairpersons and the Parliamenta-
rian. The Parliamentarian is a non-voting, advising position. If the immediate past president does not
serve as the Parliamentarian, one may be appointed by the new President.
The Executive Committee will be comprised of elected officers President, 1st Vice-President, 2nd
Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Board Chairpersons will be appointed officers. These Chairs may consist of, but not limited to the fol-
lowing: Community Service, Directory, Facebook/Social Media, Hospitality, 50/50, Interest Group
Chair, Membership, Newsletter, Special Events, Reservations, Sunshine, Website and when board
deemed, Ways & Means.
Section 2.
Members of the Executive Committee shall serve a one-year term, beginning July 1st through June
30th. Elected officers and appointed officers may hold the same office for more than one year in the
event that a new individual cannot be found to fill the office.
Section 3.
Elected and Appointed Officers shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order and fulfill the duties of their office
as follows:
• President: The President shall preside over the Board and General meetings. The President
shall appoint the Board Chairpersons and those Chairpersons of any special committees.
In the absence of the Treasurer, the President shall pay out funds as authorized by the
Board of Directors. If the President is unable to fulfill her responsibilities, the 1st Vice-Pres-
ident shall preside over the Executive Committee while appointing a new President. If any
elected or appointed officer is unable to fulfill her duties, the President may appoint a mem-
ber to that position.
• First Vice-President: The 1st Vice-President shall be in charge of making all monthly lun- cheon arrangements for the General Meetings. In the absence of the President the 1st Vice
President will preside in her place.
• Second Vice-President: The 2nd Vice-President shall be in charge of arranging the pro-
grams for the monthly General Meetings. In the absence of the President and the 1st Vice
President, the 2nd Vice-President will preside at General Meetings.
• Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of Board of Director and
General Meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. Duties also include all Club cor-
respondence and presenting the Board Meeting Minutes to the Board no later than one
week prior to upcoming Board Meetings.
• Treasurer: The Treasurer shall maintain complete and accurate records of the expenses of
the Club for the fiscal year, beginning July 1st through June 30th of the following year. The
Treasurer shall pay out funds as authorized by the Board of Directors. A written financial
report shall be available at all Board of Directors and General Meetings. By July 31st, the
Treasurer’s records shall be submitted for audit to an auditor appointed by the Board of Di-
• Parliamentarian: The immediate past president (or appointed Parliamentarian) shall serve
as the Parliamentarian. This position serves as a non-voting member of the Board. If the
past president cannot serve, the President will appoint a past Board president or Board
member to this position. The Parliamentarian shall serve as the Chair for the Nominating
Committee and the Bylaws Committee. The Parliamentarian shall see that parliamentary
procedures (Robert’s Rules of Order) are carried out in all meetings and advise the Board
of Directors as necessary.
• Community Service: Duties include contacting community agencies to offer assistance, co-
ordinating donation opportunities at monthly luncheons, supply “Charity of the Month” in-
formation to the Newsletter Chair, and disburse funds or purchases to groups as decided
by the Board.
• Directory: Duties include coordinating with the Membership Chair in preparing the annual
directory for the Club by supplying updated member information to an independent printer.
The Directory is distributed to paid members.
• Hospitality: Duties include greeting and introducing new members at the monthly lun-
cheons. Coordinate with Membership & Reservation Chairs on various aspects of Hospitali-
ty, and representing the Club to the general public when required.
• Interest Group Chair: Duties include gathering information from each Interest Group leader,
keeping the calendar of each IG club’s activities and forwarding to the Newsletter Editor be-
fore each issue is printed. Providing sign-up sheets for each Interest Group at the General
monthly luncheons. Encourage Group Leaders and members to create new Interest
Groups. Work with outgoing Interest Group leaders to recruit new leaders when needed.
• Membership: Duties include maintaining the computer database of member information,
providing updated member information to the selected board members who need it to per-
form their responsibilities, providing an article and monthly birthday list to the Newsletter
Chair monthly. Answering emails from prospective members to provide information about
the Club and encouraging these prospective members to attend the Monthly General Meet-
• Newsletter: Duties include collecting, assembling, typing and proofing all Club information
in a newsletter format. The Newsletter will be emailed in a timely manner to all paid mem-
bers on a monthly basis.
• Reservations: Duties include collecting checks for the monthly meetings, providing name
tags for those attending the luncheons, placing door prize names in the raffle, forwarding
luncheon monies to the Treasurer. In a timely manner, keeping the First VP and Hospitality
Chair informed of new members/guests and the final count of attendees for the luncheon.
• Special Events: Duties include planning of events, researching ideas, collecting monies for
the events and forwarding to the Treasurer. Announcing the events at the meetings and via
email Blasts and submitting timely information to the Newsletter chair.
• Webmaster: Duties include current updating and maintaining the Club Website, coordinate
and maintain the Club’s current payment platform, Stripe, ensuring emails of online pay-
ments are sent in a timely manner to theTreasurer and the Membership & Reservation
• Facebook: Duties include maintaining a current presence on Facebook. Monitoring posts
made by members and non members. Confirm accuracy of information and obtaining, if re-
quired, permission to publish. Unless specifically requested by a member, all photos taken
of members during Newcomer meetings, events and programs are the property of New-
comers and may be placed on the Club’s Facebook & Website pages. Members names
and/or specific personal information is not to be included in any Facebook or Website addi-
• Sunshine & Shadows: Duties include collecting information about members from members
via email, General Meetings and Board meetings. With prior member permission, keeping
members updated regarding life events of fellow members via submitting articles to the
Newsletter each month, sending appropriate cards to members for life happenings &
events. Confirm accuracy of information and permission to publish in the Club’s Newslet-
• 50/50: Duties include collecting monies for 50/50 at the luncheons, giving the funds collect-
ed to the Treasurer for deposit. Purchasing monthly door prizes with half of the monies col-
• Ways & Means: Duties are at the discretion of the Board on a yearly basis to include plan-
ning and coordinating the annual auction in November with a committee of volunteers.
Section 4.
The Board of Directors shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds, and property of
the Club. They shall hold office for one year or until their successors have been elected or ap-
pointed. It is the duty of the outgoing officers to have a timely turnover and to train the new offi-
cers in their respective duties ensuring the Club’s yearly transition of officers.
Article VIII: Elections
Section 1.
A Nominating Committee will present a slate of officers for the Executive Committee to consist of
President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee shall be chaired by the Par-
liamentarian and consist of up to 2 members of the Board of Directors and up to 3 non-Board
members, none who have served on the Nominating Committee the previous year. And none of
whom shall be considered for office. Members shall be solicited to participate on the Nominating
Committee at the December General Meeting and in the Newsletter.
Section 2.
At the March General Meeting, the Parliamentarian shall report the names of at least one candi-
date for each Executive Committee position to be filled. Nominations from the floor at the March
General Meeting shall be in order. The consent of each candidate shall be secured before the
name is presented as a candidate either by the Nominating Committee or from the floor.
Section 3.
The Election of the Executive Committee shall be held at the April General Meeting.
Section 4.
The Installation of all new officers by the Parliamentarian shall take place at the May General
Article IX: Quorum
Section 1.
At any regular or special meeting of the Club, the members in good standing who are in atten-
dance shall constitute a quorum. The transactions of business shall require a simple majority of
that quorum. The Club does not accept absentee voting by proxy, US Mail, email, or fax.
Section 2.
A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of the Board’s members who are present at the
Board Meeting. The transactions of business shall require a simple majority of that quorum. All
elected and appointed officers (with the exception of the Parliamentarian) shall each have one
Article X: Committees
Section 1.
The Executive Committee – See Article VII, Section 1.
Section 2.
Nominating Committee – See Article VIII, Section 1.
Section 3.
Financial Committee – Shall consist of a past Treasurer, the Treasurer, the President, the Mem-
bership Chair and one past Board Member. A budget shall be prepared for the coming year and
submitted at the August Board of Directors Meeting.
Section 4.
Bylaws Committee – Shall consist of the Parliamentarian, the newly elected President, two BOD members
and at least one past board member. This committee shall meet annually and present, in writing, any pro-
posed amendments at the next general meeting.
Article XI: Bylaw Amendments
Section 1.
These bylaws may be amended or new ones adopted at any General Meeting of the Club by a
majority vote of those members present, provided the proposed amendments shall have been
presented, in writing, at the previous General Meeting and in the previous month’s newsletter.
These By-Laws may also be amended by a once a year meeting of the Executive Board and Par-
liamentarian or her committee thereof; or by sending proposed amendments to the Parliamentari-
an to be considered by the Executive Board. Any and all changes to the By-Laws will be sent to
all members via e-mail for approval and discussion by a quorum of membership at the following
General Meeting.
Section 2.
Standing Rules are rules the Club uses to administer its affairs under the provision of the Bylaws.
They set forth the procedures adopted to accomplish specific areas of work. Standing Rules are
more flexible than bylaws and may be changed or suspended at any board meeting by a majority
vote. Any amendments to the By-laws that apply to the current Standing Rules after a quorum
vote of the General Membership will be sent via e-mail and in the next newsletter edition.
Article XII: Directory
Section 1.
All members who have paid their annual membership dues by July15th shall be included in the
yearly Membership Directory. An addendum to the Directory may be given out from time-to-time
and shall include all members who joined after the July 15th deadline.
Section 2.
For the protection of the Club members and their personal information, the Membership Directo-
ries shall be kept for Club use only. The Directory shall not be used or given out to anyone other
than dues paying members.
Article XIII:
Section 1.
The Club, as recommended by law for a 501(c)(7) organization will maintain Directors and/or
General Liability Insurance, at the Club’s own Expense, to protect itself and any person who is or
was serving as an officer, member, or volunteer against any liability asserted against and incurred
by that person in any such capacity or arising out of her status, whether or not the Club would
have the power to indemnify that person against such liability.
By-Laws amended by the By-Laws Committee AUGUST 25, 2024
Club Status: Newcomers is an exclusive women’s group. We are a 501(c)(7) organization. We are not a charity but are exempt from income taxes. Members may not financially benefit from being a member of the Club.
Finance: All monies collected by check (except charitable donations) should be made payable to “Newcomers Club of Roanoke Valley.” General Meeting Lunches and Special Events are self-supporting. (See Article IV Section 3 of ByLaws) If an insufficient funds fee is charged to the Club, the check writer will be responsible to reimburse the Club for the fee.
On-Line Groups: Newcomers has a Website and Facebook page that are open to members and the public. (See ByLaws, Section 3 Webmaster and Facebook for additional details.)
Directory: A Newcomers Directory with personal information about our members and Interest Groups is updated and published annually. For the protection of the Club’s members, directories are to be kept for the Club members’ use only and may not be used for any solicitations.
Inclement Weather Policy: All General Meeting Luncheons & Special Event cancelations are at the discretion of the Executive Board. (See ByLaws, Section 3 Inclement Weather Policy.)
Meetings: An honorarium is offered to guest speakers and the speaker is treated to lunch. Honorariums are not paid to Newcomer members who present programs; however, lunch will be provided on the day of that program.
Meeting Etiquette & Reminders: Non-Members are invited to ONLY two lunches or Interest Group meetings. Spouses/Significant others to Special Events only. Newcomer’s annual dues for all members are $25.00 annually and must be paid on or before August 15th. These dues are non-refundable. Only paid members can participate in Interest Groups. Please refrain from bringing outside food or drink to any dining establishment.
(Adopted June 2023)